Capital Project Q and A
Q. What does the proposed project encompass?
A. The $15.8 million project includes two propositions. The first proposition for $12,854,400 includes: maintenance and renovations to aging facilities; upgrades to the bus garage; and a new turf field, which will be used to provide extended programs for both the school and community youth programs. The second proposition calls for renovations and additions to the district’s athletic facilities. That would mean: replacing “Big Blue,” the building between the track and football field, with rest rooms, a concession stand, permanent seating for 500 spectators, and a press box; upgrading the track; and installing new field lighting.
Q. Why does this work need to be done?
A. All of the school buildings and facilities at DCS are used heavily day in and day out by both the school and the community, and just like a home, things wear out and are in need of attention. We are in a position to address these needs now and do not want to miss out on this window of opportunity.
Q. How will the project be funded?
A. To pay for the first proposition, DCS would use a combination of about 78 percent reimbursement in NY state aid and district reserves. The proposition would not increase local taxes. The second proposition for $2,957,300 would include athletic facility work, for which district would receive approximately 88 percent in state aid. The remaining money would come from reserves and an increase of 1.1 percent to local taxes. In order for proposition two to pass, voters must first approve proposition one.
Q. How would the project impact my taxes?
A. Homeowners would see an increase of approximately 1.1 percent each year for two years, which is less than $8 each year on a house assessed at $50,000.
Estimated Tax Increase by Assessment Value

Understanding this infographic: If your home’s full total assessment value is $50,000, your school tax bill could increase by $8 the year after the project started (2024). This is the best estimate the school district can provide using existing data. Additionally, the estimated figures include primary STAR.